Saturday, December 23, 2006

Finding the Best Deal on Gifts

It's that time of year. The lines at the post office and mall rival those at Disney World during peak season...and now following the 3 feet of snow we received... it truly feels like Christmas.

This post may not be in time for Christmas this year...but you'll find the web resources helpful whether shopping for yourself or someone on your list in the future.

Recently I came across a number of websites that instantly comparison shop different vendors to find the best online price. All you have to do is type in the item you are shopping for and you will receive a list of places where the item is available. Typically the list is organized from the lowest price to the most expensive.

Here is a list of websites you can use to quickly price check for the best online deal:

Besides looking at the price you will also want to calculate shipping as well. Some online stores may offer a better deal, but do not offer free shipping.

Also be sure to note the seller's online sales rating. If you see that a lot of people have posted negative feedback then save yourself from the headache of dealing with a questionable store...even if they offer the "best deal".

I like to use these sites not only for making online purchases but also as a peace of mind...knowing that I'm getting a fair price on the shoes or memory card that I buy at the local store.

Merry Christmas!

Jason C. Steinle
Nasoj Publications, LLC


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