Sunday, January 22, 2006

Lady at the booth

As I was walking through the exhibitor area at a recent conference I saw this lady sitting at her booth with her head buried in a book. It was the first day of the conference and hundreds of people were walking around the exhibit hall.

With the exception of her booth all the other vendors were actively greeting and talking to every person walking by. As a result they had lines of people waiting to have their questions answered. Yet in the midst of all this activity she continued to read her book without making eye contact or even acknowledging people as they passed.

Having set up a similar booth many times in my life, I was curious what she was reading that took precedence over the potential customers milling around. As I approached closer I saw for the first time the title of the book she was reading-- Every Business is a Growth Business: How Your Company Can Prosper Year After Year.

It struck me. How often do we continuing preparing to take action when the time for action is upon us. No amount of reading would have been as beneficial to the woman as simply taking action and talking to the customers walking around.

Preparing can save you time, but it can also become a form of inaction. Sometimes the best way to learn is by simply starting

Jason C. Steinle is a Doctor of Chiropractic and founder of Health and Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Center; The Steinle Show talk radio program; and the author of Upload Experience: Quarterlife Solutions for Teens and Twentysomethings. He serves on the Colorado Independent Publishers Association's board and writes monthly columns for the Mountain Connection newspaper and the CIPA Signature newsletter.

To interview Jason or to learn more about the Upload Experience line of resources which are “making life easy for quarterlifers” please visit

To learn more about Health and Harmony Chiropractic please visit


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