Friday, October 27, 2006

Search Engine Rank Tool

Any one who is trying to establish a web presence has asked themselves, "I wonder how my site ranks compared to the others."

Now it's easier than ever to find the answer.

Recently I was sent an artlice on search engine optimization. The article pointed to the following website:

Simply click on the above link and you will be taken to a page that allows you to enter your website URL and the keyword you are curious about. After you press enter it will tell you how your website ranks in Yahoo and MSN search engines, the number of indexed pages, the number of keyword uses, etc...

When attempting to improve your keyword rank it can be a slow process. You initiate improvements and then have to wait days/weeks to see a change in rank. Now you can get feed back quicker as to how your page ranks compared to the others.

Not only is this a great's free.

All the best,

Jason C. Steinle

To learn more about Jason C. Steinle please visit or visit


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