Sunday, October 22, 2006

Cell Phone Web Resource

Shopping for a cell phone recently...a sales associate shared with me a great website.

Next time you're in the market for a new phone check out this online forum. It offers people a chance to praise and/or vent about their cell phone experiences.

After reading the reviews I, personally, decided not to get the PDA I was looking at and instead went with another.

Most service providers offer a 15 day return window on a new cell phone. If you are like me it's easy to discover features...or a lack of features on your phone after the 15 day mark. Just ask any associate at a retail store. They deal with unsatisfied customers everyday who want to return or exchange a phone that can no longer be exchanged. may save you time and possibly headache. Check it out.

All the best,

Jason C. Steinle

To learn more about Jason visit his website

You may also be interested in the Upload Experience line of products for quarterlifers and their parents. Visit to learn more.

Jason may also be reached at Health and Harmony Chiropractic or online at