Tuesday, June 12, 2007

New Blog

Hello All!

Thanks for stopping by. I've developed a new blog at www.uploadexperience.com/blog

Check out the new podcasts that are available there.

You can listen to the podcasts on your computer or download them to your .mp3 player.

Hope you enjoy the new format. I plan on slowly releasing my favorite interviews from the past 5 years of hosting a talk radio program.

Thanks and enjoy!


PS: Here is the address of the new blog again: www.uploadexperience.com/blog

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Colorado Avalanche January 2007


Life is full of the unexpected...

Yesterday I was going to go skiing at Mary Jane, a Colorado ski resort. From my front door to the base of Mary Jane it takes about an hour.

Half of the drive is on Interstate 70 and the other on Highway 40 which goes over Berthoud Pass.

Because I have a season pass to Mary Jane I usually leave Evergreen about 9:30 a.m. so I don't get caught in the morning traffic rush.

However, yesterday, some other business came up and I ended up staying home.

That's when I received the first call. A friend from Wyoming called to see if I was okay.

"Did you get caught in the avalanche?"

Then another call. "Were you near the avalanche?"

Here's a news clip from TruthNews.com covering the slide.

"Officials say a huge avalanche in Colorado has buried at least two cars on a busy mountain highway and may have sent others tumbling over the edge of the road.

The avalanche took place on Berthoud Pass, 11,000 feet high, about 60 miles west of Denver.
Reports say there are at least seven survivors and one person has been taken to a hospital. Officials say parts of the highway, U.S. Route 40, are closed while they attempt to rescue other people who were caught in the avalanche.

Some officials say this is the largest Colorado avalanche they have ever seen.

The avalanche comes during Colorado's third huge snowstorm in as many weeks. Forecasters say as much as 20 centimeters of snow are expected to fall on the city of Denver Saturday. The new storm is carrying winds of up to 30 miles an hour. "

I just got home from a trip to Mary Jane today.

We passed over Berthoud Pass at the exact time the avalanche hit the day before. From my Toyota you could easily see the 15 foot high wall of snow that had been cleared in two sections.

It makes you stop say "Thank you"

Thankful...not to have gone up yesterday...thankful that no one got hurt.

It also makes you stop and contemplate the power of Mother Nature.

A 100 foot wide by 15 foot high wall of snow, ice, trees and mountain debris answers to no one.

It goes where it wants to go.

Man can build walls, highways and tunnels...yet Mother Nature has the ultimate say.

On the way home two giant (trust me they were huge) tow trucks were pulling up the vehicles that had been forced off the road.

I shot the picture above with my cell phone as we drove by.

Take a look at the car.

As I said...grateful and humbled.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Finding the Best Deal on Gifts

It's that time of year. The lines at the post office and mall rival those at Disney World during peak season...and now following the 3 feet of snow we received... it truly feels like Christmas.

This post may not be in time for Christmas this year...but you'll find the web resources helpful whether shopping for yourself or someone on your list in the future.

Recently I came across a number of websites that instantly comparison shop different vendors to find the best online price. All you have to do is type in the item you are shopping for and you will receive a list of places where the item is available. Typically the list is organized from the lowest price to the most expensive.

Here is a list of websites you can use to quickly price check for the best online deal:




Besides looking at the price you will also want to calculate shipping as well. Some online stores may offer a better deal, but do not offer free shipping.

Also be sure to note the seller's online sales rating. If you see that a lot of people have posted negative feedback then save yourself from the headache of dealing with a questionable store...even if they offer the "best deal".

I like to use these sites not only for making online purchases but also as a peace of mind...knowing that I'm getting a fair price on the shoes or memory card that I buy at the local store.

Merry Christmas!

Jason C. Steinle
Nasoj Publications, LLC

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Stopping Credit Card Offers

If you are like me...everyday you get new credit card offers.

Capital One, Chase, AAdvantage Mastercard and American Express send me more mail than friends or family.

I used to simply throw them away. Then I read that credit card offers are prime targets for identity theft...so I bought a paper shredder and began shredding every offer I received. Not only is this a pain, it also wastes a lot of paper.

Tonight I tried something new. It's a website called www.OptOutPrescreen.com The website lets you opt out of receiving pre-approved credit card offers.

This is how it works. There are three main credit bureaus--Experian, TransUnion, Equifax. These are the companies that determine your credit score. They are also the companies that credit card companies like Capital One and Chase will contact to find out who is "creditworthy."

When you go to www.OptOutPrescreen.com you can instantly chose to opt out for 5 years. OptOutPrescreen.com notifies the credit bureaus that you no longer want your information shared with credit card companies.

I just did it tonight...so I can't speak from experience but am hopeful that it works. Be warned however that you will have to enter your data including SS# and DOB when opting out.

If you are tired of the on-slaught of credit card offers you may want to check out the site.

Good luck!

Jason C. Steinle

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Skipping the Phone Maze

I came across this great site called Get Human. The url is www.gethuman.com Once you are at the site click on the "database" tab which will take you to a listing of over 500 companies.

Next to each company is their 800-Number and a section titled "get human customer." This is the real gem.

The site lists the specific steps you can take to get to a live human representative on the phone. No more shuffling through a maze of phone choices until you reach a representative. Now you can quickly get a human on the phone with you.

For example instead of listening through five phone options...making a choice only to listen to another set of options and then another. The site will tell you "Press 3; wait for prompt; press 1; then hold through prompts for representative."

Check it out. It's a great resource that may save you a lot of time.

Jason C. Steinle

Friday, October 27, 2006

Search Engine Rank Tool

Any one who is trying to establish a web presence has asked themselves, "I wonder how my site ranks compared to the others."

Now it's easier than ever to find the answer.

Recently I was sent an artlice on search engine optimization. The article pointed to the following website: www.webuildpages.com/cool-seo-tool

Simply click on the above link and you will be taken to a page that allows you to enter your website URL and the keyword you are curious about. After you press enter it will tell you how your website ranks in Yahoo and MSN search engines, the number of indexed pages, the number of keyword uses, etc...

When attempting to improve your keyword rank it can be a slow process. You initiate improvements and then have to wait days/weeks to see a change in rank. Now you can get feed back quicker as to how your page ranks compared to the others.

Not only is this a great resource...it's free.

All the best,

Jason C. Steinle

To learn more about Jason C. Steinle please visit www.jasonsteinle.com or visit www.uploadexperience.com

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Cell Phone Web Resource

Shopping for a cell phone recently...a sales associate shared with me a great website.


Next time you're in the market for a new phone check out this online forum. It offers people a chance to praise and/or vent about their cell phone experiences.

After reading the reviews I, personally, decided not to get the PDA I was looking at and instead went with another.

Most service providers offer a 15 day return window on a new cell phone. If you are like me it's easy to discover features...or a lack of features on your phone after the 15 day mark. Just ask any associate at a retail store. They deal with unsatisfied customers everyday who want to return or exchange a phone that can no longer be exchanged.

www.phonescoop.com may save you time and possibly headache. Check it out.

All the best,

Jason C. Steinle

To learn more about Jason visit his website www.jasonsteinle.com

You may also be interested in the Upload Experience line of products for quarterlifers and their parents. Visit www.uploadexperience.com to learn more.

Jason may also be reached at Health and Harmony Chiropractic or online at www.awakeningpotential.com