Friday, October 27, 2006

Search Engine Rank Tool

Any one who is trying to establish a web presence has asked themselves, "I wonder how my site ranks compared to the others."

Now it's easier than ever to find the answer.

Recently I was sent an artlice on search engine optimization. The article pointed to the following website:

Simply click on the above link and you will be taken to a page that allows you to enter your website URL and the keyword you are curious about. After you press enter it will tell you how your website ranks in Yahoo and MSN search engines, the number of indexed pages, the number of keyword uses, etc...

When attempting to improve your keyword rank it can be a slow process. You initiate improvements and then have to wait days/weeks to see a change in rank. Now you can get feed back quicker as to how your page ranks compared to the others.

Not only is this a great's free.

All the best,

Jason C. Steinle

To learn more about Jason C. Steinle please visit or visit

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Cell Phone Web Resource

Shopping for a cell phone recently...a sales associate shared with me a great website.

Next time you're in the market for a new phone check out this online forum. It offers people a chance to praise and/or vent about their cell phone experiences.

After reading the reviews I, personally, decided not to get the PDA I was looking at and instead went with another.

Most service providers offer a 15 day return window on a new cell phone. If you are like me it's easy to discover features...or a lack of features on your phone after the 15 day mark. Just ask any associate at a retail store. They deal with unsatisfied customers everyday who want to return or exchange a phone that can no longer be exchanged. may save you time and possibly headache. Check it out.

All the best,

Jason C. Steinle

To learn more about Jason visit his website

You may also be interested in the Upload Experience line of products for quarterlifers and their parents. Visit to learn more.

Jason may also be reached at Health and Harmony Chiropractic or online at

Monday, October 16, 2006

Random Words of Kindness

“Where is he going? I want him to play on the rest of the album.”
Bob Dylan

Long before Charlie Daniels, of the Charlie Daniels Band, started his own band and went on to top both the country and rock music charts he was working part time as a back up guitarist in a Nashville recording studio.

One day Bob Dylan was in studio. Dylan’s usual back-up guitarist was late so Daniels was called to fill in.

“You’ve got to take advantage of the situation,” Daniels told me during an interview. “That’s what happened with me. I was hungry. I was the guy that most wanted to be where I was at that time. Everybody was honored to be playing with Bob Dylan, but to a lot of the guys it was just another session. To me that was the day, and I was cognizant of it.”

Dylan was so impressed with Daniels’ playing that he asked him to stay and record the rest of the album with him.

“Having Dylan believe in me did more to boost my confidence and music career early on than anything else,” Daniels told me.

How often in life do our words change the lives of others far beyond what we ever know?

The “I’m proud of you son” a mother says to her son when he brings home his test score or the “Thanks for planning this” a husband says to his wife as they leave for a vacation can mean more to that person than the highest scores or finest hotels.

Recently we were all reminded of the power of words following the tragic school shooting in Bailey, CO. Sixteen-year-old Emily Keyes left her family and the rest of us with “I love U guys”—the words she text messaged her family from inside Platte Canyon High School during her final hours of life.

In memory of Emily and with her family’s request to practice random acts of kindness, take time this month to give words of encouragement. Say them often and sincerely and you will have a bigger impact than you ever thought possible.

Upload Experience
All Rights Reserved 2006 Nasoj Publications, LLC

Jason C. Steinle is a chiropractor at Health and Harmony Chiropractic, PC in Evergreen, CO 303 670 1001, the host of The Steinle Show talk radio program, and author of Upload Experience: Quarterlife Solutions which is available at HearthFire Books and