Saturday, March 11, 2006

Creating Emotional Velcro

“That’s the magic of writing talent. It’s something that’s difficult to develop, but once you’re able to, it’s as good as gold.”
Brian Hill

Why are some books so hard to put down? You know the feeling. Turning page after page late into the night; skipping meals and workouts just to read the next chapter.

Brian Hill and Dee Power, the authors of The Making of a Bestseller, set out to find the answer. After interviewing over 24 bestselling authors they discovered the quality of “emotional Velcro”.

Author’s who consistently top the bestseller lists are able put ink on paper in such a way that people feel a real connection. As Brian told me, “Once you master that ability you can sustain a writing career for decades.”

Did you know that at any given time 90% of the bestselling books are by authors who have topped the charts before? Look no further than today’s NY Times with heavyweights James Patterson and Stephen King holding down the top spots.

So what is the secret to developing emotional Velcro? What was the one characteristic that Brian and Dee found in all of the authors they interviewed? Writing.

The bestsellers didn’t just talk about writing or think about writing. They actually wrote. The more that they wrote the clearer their voice came through and the easier it was for readers to connect to their writing. In short their writing style became their brand.

What is your writing brand? How do you connect to your readers? The more that you write the clearer the answer becomes. It’s that simple. Good luck and have fun.

Upload Experience: Publishing
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Jason C. Steinle serves on the Colorado Independent Publishers Association’s board. He is the author of Upload Experience: Quarterlife Solutions for Teens and Twentysomethings and host of The Steinle Show talk radio program. Please visit