Sunday, October 16, 2005

PR Is Like Gift Wrapping

“It’s very accessible. A bright twelve-year-old could understand it.”
Michael Levine

Ever wonder why some books, people and products stay in the public eye, whereas others are forgotten with the changing of the season? Enter Michael Levine, founder of one of Hollywood’s top PR firms and author of the most widely read public relations book—Guerrilla P.R.

I asked Michael about the role of public relations in the success of his book and clients. “It‘s like gift wrapping,” he told me. “If I gave you a present in a Tiffany’s box you would place a higher perceived value on the gift. The reason that’s true is because you and I live in a culture that gift wraps everything. We gift wrap our politicians, our corporate heads, our movie stars, and even our toilet paper. That’s the process of public relations—taking products and services and gift wrapping them.”

As independent publishers we can learn from Michael’s experience. Unlike authors who hand over their books’ packaging to major publishers, we each have the opportunity to choose the message our book portrays. Just like Michael’s PR firm has packaged and re-packaged the image of countless celebrities, we can change and modify the design of our book to prolong its life. People do judge a book by its cover. What message is yours sending?

All Rights Reserved 2005 Nasoj Publications, LLC

Jason C. Steinle is the author of Upload Experience: Quarterlife Solutions for Teens and Twentysomethings. He is the host of The Steinle Show talk radio and television programs and director of Health and Harmony Chiropractic.


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