Sunday, August 21, 2005

Creating "Ah, ha's" when writing

Upload Publishing Experience

“Upload a lifetime of experience in a single moment”
by Jason C. Steinle

“Interestingly, the second most common comment I get is, ‘I don’t read books, but I read yours non-stop, straight through.’”
Michael Gerber

Ever wonder why some books run off the self, where as others slump into hibernation? Take The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber, it’s wearing marathon shoes. Originally published as The E-Myth in 1986 and then as The E-Myth Revisited the book has sold over 2 million copies and continues to make the business best-seller lists. In fact, the August BusinessWeek Long-Run Best Seller List ranks The E-Myth Revisited as #6.

During a recent interview I asked Michael why The E-Myth Revisited continues to sell and spread by word of mouth. “I think it resides in what people say to me who have read my book,” Michael told me. “They say, Michael you saw me. You’re talking about me.”

“You see as business owners, people are working their tails off--12 hours a day/ 7 days a week. They never seem to get it done,” Michael continued. “They never seem to solve the problems. And in one fell swoop I explain it to them in a way that is immediately available. They instantly get it and it’s liberating.”

As authors, whether we’re drafting our third book or writing our first pamphlet, we can all learn from Michael’s experience. When writing create “Ah, ha” moments where the reader pauses and thinks “this person is just like me.” He or she really understands me. Michael did it with The E-Myth Revisited. Business owners see themselves in his book and 2 million of them have responded with interest.

All Rights Reserved 2005 Nasoj Publications, LLC

Jason C. Steinle is the author of Upload Experience: Quarterlife Solutions for Teens and Twentysomethings. He is the host of The Steinle Show talk radio and television programs and director of Health and Harmony Chiropractic.


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