Friday, September 09, 2005

The Top Five Things College Graduate Wish They Had Known When In College

1. Gain experience in the field you are pursuing

Do not wait until your senior year to work “on the job.” Instead volunteer and shadow within the field you are majoring. This real world experience will help you know if it’s the right degree for you…plus you’ll gain valuable experience.

2. Take advantage of breaks

Once you graduate you will not have as many opportunities to travel. Take advantage of breaks by taking road trips home with college friends, staying in hostels, and working at summer camps. These trips will help shape and broaden your world view.

3. Meet as many people as you can

The network of friends you develop in college may be more important than the academics. Information is not hard to obtain today, but it’s your contacts that will provide you with the opportunities to share that information.

4. Diversify your classes

Look beyond obtaining your degree and ask yourself, “What else do I need to learn about?” For example, you may be majoring in music, but plan to open a school for voice development. In addition, to your music curriculum taking courses in business, accounting, and marketing may be a good idea.

5. Remember that life is a marathon not a sprint

Go easy on yourself. It’s okay not to have your life all figured out. No one does.

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Jason C. Steinle is the author of Upload Experience:Quarterlife Solutions for Teens and Twentysomethings and host of The Steinle Show talk radio and television programs.


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