Sunday, September 11, 2005

Niche Your Market to Grow Your Market

“I could hardly believe that I had written the very first book on that subject in the world.”

Dottie Walters

Ever wonder how the experts became the experts? Take Dottie Walters for example. Author of Speak and Grow Rich, founder of a speakers bureau representing over 24,000 speakers, and publisher of the only international speakers bureau directory, Dottie is considered a legend in the speaking and sales industries.

I asked Dottie what the secret to her success was. "You have to niche and then grow from there," Dottie said. "Begin by asking yourself, 'What am I good at?' and then: 'Who needs it?'"

"When I was in my early twenties I began a newspaper shopper's column. To help grow the column. I went to the library to look up books on women in sales.”

"The librarian searched. She checked the big city, county and then the state library and there was nothing, absolutely nothing. Everything was written by men and for men. So I went home and thought, 'I think I'm suppose to write that book.'"

Dottie’s Never Underestimate the Selling Power of a Women was the first book ever written for women in sales.

“Tupperware bought the entire first edition,” Dottie explained. “Then other direct sales companies like Amway and Mary Kay all bought my book by the thousands and hired me to come speak. That launched me into the speaking profession”

As information entrepreneurs we can all learn from Dottie’s experience. In order to expand our market we must first niche our market. It’s hard to develop a marketing plan for the world, but it’s entirely possible to target a piece of the world. Dottie did it forty years ago when she wrote a book for women in sales. It was an unknown market that opened up a world of possibilities. What industry or group do you know who isn’t being served?

All Rights Reserved 2005 Nasoj Publications, LLC

Jason C. Steinle is the author of Upload Experience: Quarterlife Solutions for Teens and Twentysomethings. He is the host of The Steinle Show talk radio and television programs and director of Health and Harmony Chiropractic.


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